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- How To Gradient Fill In Affinity Designer | Linear, Elliptical, Radial & Conical

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We believe every designer should have these resources in their Affinity arsenal. Disagree with our choices? Send us a note using our Contact Us form. A beautiful pack of simple raster brushes you can use to add a fog or smoke texture to your art, included in the pack are 5 raster based smoke brushes 5 raster based smoke brushes.

A note on licensing You are free to create personal or commercially with these, but not resell them, repackage them In short do not be a scumbag This is a swatch collection of all of the gradients used to make the Dream Styles 1 and Dream Metals Styles collections, making it easy to grab your favorite gradient to use rather than applying a style to get it.

Originally created for web development, these styles were used to showcase what can be accomplished in Affinity Designer, and later Affinity Photo. Graphics, this set has proven to be very popular and an essential tool in your Affinity arsenal. The gradients used are fully editable. Submit a resource. Submit Search. Fog and Smoke brushes -Starter pack.

Fog and Smoke brushes -Starter pack A beautiful pack of simple raster brushes you can use to add a fog or smoke texture to your art, included in the pack are 5 raster based smoke brushes 5 raster based smoke brushes. Dream Gradients 1 This is a swatch collection of all of the gradients used to make the Dream Styles 1 and Dream Metals Styles collections, making it easy to grab your favorite gradient to use rather than applying a style to get it. Dream Styles 1 Originally created for web development, these styles were used to showcase what can be accomplished in Affinity Designer, and later Affinity Photo.

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Manage Settings Continue with Recommended Cookies. Being able to apply gradients to your artwork is an important aspect of vector design, and Affinity Designer makes this process so much easier than rival applications. In short, the way to gradient fill in Affinity Designer is by using the Fill Tool keyboard shortcut: G. Once selected, the tool options menu at the top of the screen will allow you to choose your gradient type, whether to apply it to the fill or the stroke, and it will allow you to edit all of the properties of your gradients as well.

In the example diagram above, the linear gradient spans horizontally across the square. Colors are added along that horizontal path which will run vertically across the square. In the diagram above, the start point of the gradient is the red center point on the square, and the end point is the purple outer band at the edge of the square.

Along that gradient several colors are added — all of which follow a circular path. Much like elliptical gradients, radial gradients also follow a circular path. Unfortunately, Affinity Designer does not currently have the ability to work with meshes and mesh gradients.

In order to apply a gradient fill in Affinity Designer you will first need an object to apply it to. You will see a blue bounding box around it once selected.

The way that gradient fills are applied in Affinity Designer is with the Fill Tool — a tool that allows you to fill objects will gradients, patterns, and solid colors.

Once selected, you should see the following options in the Tool Options menu towards the top of your screen:. For this demonstration I have chosen a linear gradient. All of the other gradients can be edited in the same way. The change the colors of your gradient, simply click on one of the end points of the gradient indicated as circular nodes that are filled with its current color to select it and choose a new color from your Color menu at the top-right of your screen:.

The further in one direction you move it, the more intense the disparity will be:. The change the location and orientation of your gradient, simply click and drag on either of the nodes to move them around:. Holding Shift while moving the handles will lock the gradient onto the vertical or horizontal axis and will allow you to rotate it in 45 degree increments. At this point you can simply click on the path to add a new node that will represent a color of your choosing:. As previously mentioned when going over the tool options menu, clicking on the preview button that displays the colors of your gradient will open the Gradient Options menu:.

All of these properties can be altered using the on-canvas user interface, as we did in the tutorial. Apply Raster Techniques to Vector Art Switch to the Pixel persona, select a brush, and start shading or texturing Finesse artwork with Dodge, Burn, Smudge and Sharpen brush tools See a live preview at the brush tip before you apply your stroke for desktop only Pixel Selections Isolate parts of your design to constrain raster retouching Use regular shapes, pixel-width regions, freehand lasso, and selection brush Select regions based on color and tonal ranges Grow, shrink, feather, smooth and outline selections.

Pro Font Support Create elegant text with OpenType, Type 1, and True Type fonts Use advanced OpenType features including Ligatures Insert placeholder text while constructing designs Insert special characters and symbols Copy and paste style between objects Font fallbacks Live Font Previews Fonts are previewed instantly while creating or customizing text Access fonts by collection for efficiency for desktop only Browse recent, used or your favorite fonts for desktop only Live OpenType Feature Previews Typography Panel shows live feature previews Easily select the right Stylistic Set every time Preview Ligatures, Contextual Alternates, Swashes and more Glyph Browser for desktop only Quickly insert special characters into your text Display in glyph or Unicode order Filter by font subset, e.

Art and Frame Text Adding scalable art text is perfect for quick headlines and callouts Add body text to designs using frames as containers Create containers of any shape Control alignment, justification, character and paragraph settings Optionally scale text content when scaling the parent text frame Vertically align frame text Fit text frame to contained text Live spell checking Text-on-a-Path Type text along a custom curve or shape Control start and end points Set text on both or either side of lines Convert shapes to text paths Control all the normal text attributes including baseline Text Styles for desktop only Ensure text appears consistent Apply character and paragraph styles Easily update styles cross-document Design from scratch or from text selection Style hierarchies Style groups.

Full Save or Export List Affinity template. Custom Brushes Create completely custom vector and raster brushes using your own textures Choose behavior for pressure and velocity variance, corners, repeating areas and many other controls Combine Raster and Vector Art Seamlessly mix vector and raster design and art techniques Apply blend modes, opacity and color changes to achieve a perfect finish Drag and drop in the Layers Panel to control where and how brushwork is added to your vectors Preferences let you fine tune how vector and raster techniques behave Resize documents with or without resizing your artwork Fill and Erase Tools Solid coloring regions is simple with a raster flood fill tool Create shapes for smooth gradient fills Erase selectively without destroying vectors Incredibly High Quality Native vectors and gradients are output at any size with no loss of quality Mixed media artwork is intelligently scaled and resampled.

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